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Swank v0.04.04


All indexing and searching capabilites are provided by the Swank::ElasticSearch class.

It uses Search::Elasticsearch to talk to an ElasticSearch server or OpenSearch server, which can run locally.

For small web sites, the server can run on the local machine listening on localhost ( only, so that no other machines can access it. The extra security setup for elasticsearch is not needed in this case.

Special Features:

Any page with a "noindex" field set to true will not be indexed.

Link href values are indexed in a "_link" field, so links to a specific page can be found by doing $sys->search(' _link:"/my/page" ').

Code is indexed in a "_code" field, so you can search for pages containing certain code strings.

Dates are detected by the iso format, and are indexed by day only (without the time) for effeciency.

TODO: there are plans to support per-field indexing options (private, unindexed, keyword, etc), but that depends on field-level meta data being implemented. 

Also, lucene has no syntax for searching in non-parsed keyword fields.  If you really need a specific value, without additional data in front or behind, you must check the values returned by the search to be sure.

Advanced and/or dubious searches

See the Java documentation for the full query syntax documentation.

Date search:   date:[YYYYMMDD YYYYMMDD]

All records with "field" defined (not sure if/why this works):  field:[0 TO 0]

All records without "field" defined, by getting all pages and removing those with fields (all pages have a path field):  path:[0 TO 0] AND NOT field:[0 TO 0]

Field defined but empty???



ElasticSearch or OpenSearch


search( 'search string', [ options ... ] )

Provides the search function for the Swank system. Returns a Swank::ElasticSearch::Results object.

'search string' is a lucene search string.  Syntax summary:

word  -- does a full text search for word in any field

field:word  -- does a search for word in the given field only

word AND word  -- does a boolean search. AND, OR, and NOT must be upper case

"a phrase" / field:"a phrase"  -- searches for an exact phrase

[begin end] / field:[begin end]  -- does a range search

options may be:

sort => 'fieldname [desc], fieldname ...'  -- sorts results by the given field name. The default is to sort by RELEVANCE.

sort => \&sub  -- a sort subroutine may also be given, subject to the restrictions for sort subroutines being passed to other perl classes.  This means $a and $b will not work; use this syntax instead:

                     sub ($$) { $_[0] cmp $_[1] } 

refresh => 1 -- will close and reopen the internal lucene objects.


write()  -- indexes page objects after they are written.

delete()  -- de-indexes deleted objects.

Support pages:




This helper class does the actual searching and indexing.  It should not be necessary to access it directory for any reason.


index()  -- called by Swank::ElasticSearch::write to index a page.

delete() -- called by Swank::ElasticSearch::delete to un-index a page.

search() -- called by Swank::ElasticSearch::search to do searches.

reindex() -- clears the index and reindexes all pages returned by $sys->storage->_enumerate

optimize() -- optimizes the index.


Encapsulates the results from a lucene search.


length() -- number of hits returned by the search.

next() -- returns the page object for the next hit in the search.

get( index )  -- returns a specific hit in the search, numbered 0 .. length()-1

all() -- returns a list of page objects for all hits from the search.